Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Concept Map

This assignment consisted of creating a concept map on a topic of my choice. The topic I choose was The Solar System. The reason I chose this topic was because I like Science and I plan to teach Science when I become a teacher.  I also figured that I could produce a quality concept map that would be helpful to individuals wanting to learn about the Solar System. Science is a subject that I am very interested in. There is lots of information that can be organized in a concept map about the Solar System. In doing this assignment I learned a lot of things. The most importing thing I learned is how to construct a concept map. This will be very helpful to me as a future educator.
 Some of the problems I encountered were not saving my work so I had to start over twice. I did not know everything about the software so I had to get familiar with it. This caused a few minor problems like forgetting to do one step in the process that made me have to delete all of the information before continuing.  The program was pretty simple, I just had to take some time to get used to it. The good part about learning how to do a concept map is that I can use it in my future classroom. It will be easy for me to organize lessons by using a concept. In doing this assignment I meet NETS-T standards one and five because I used technology in order to organize and connect with others.

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