Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Web Tools

My rubric




I really enjoyed completing these assignments. These assignments were very easy to use and user friendly. One reason I liked doing them is because I believe they will be helpful to me in the future. I did not know that there were so many sites available for free that I could use to create things to use in my classroom. The Rubric site is the one I think will be most helpful. This is because I believe that I will use it the most. I can use it to create Rubrics fast that can be used to help me grade.
The Storybird program, allowed me to create stories. I feel like I can use these for my future students. I can use this site to allow my students to create their own stories. The Wordle program allowed me to create a visual. I can use this site to create all types of visuals to help my students put words that relate together. This can be used as reviews for them to each lesson that we cover. The Trackstar assignment can be used in my future classroom because I can give my students homework and study tips online.
I found that all of these sites helped me. I learned that it is a lot of programs that is free and easy on the web that can really help teachers save time and be productive. I didn’t encounter any problems during my time working on these sites. The NETS-T standard I met with this assignment was 1 and 3 because I used different technology from the web to be creative in teaching future students.

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