Tuesday, April 23, 2013


 Here is the link to my website:

This assignment was great. I liked the opportunity to create my own teacher page. It made me feel as though I was officially a teacher. I go the chance to come up with the banners, designs and information posted on there. I was in full control as to what information I wanted posted. Even though we had a rubric of required information, I still had the creative ability to choose. At first I was a bit skeptical about creating my own cite. Coming up with a schedule, calendar and other information found on the page were scary at first. As I got started, I found it to be quite easy. One thing that I really enjoyed about this assignment is that I got a chance to go to many cool sites that allowed me to create banners and get clipart for free. I know that this will be helpful in the future for me. Not only in my career can I use this information but in my everyday life as well.

When doing this assignment, I ran into some minor issues. One problem I had was trying to keep everything in order. The site kept changing information that I entered. I had to start over a time or two to try to get everything to look the way I wanted it to. Another problem was working the site. Trying to maneuver through the site was slightly difficult. After sometime I figured it out though. The NETS-T standard I used for this assignment was one and three because I used different technology from the web to be creative in teaching future students.

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