Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TurnItIn- Social, Ethical and Legal Issues

The TurnItIn assignment was a fairly easy one. We were given a list of questions to answer as well as some articles we were to use to answer the questions. The challenging part was that the questions were not directly answered in the articles. We had to search through each article in order to find an answer that was acceptable for each question. This assignment was a two part one. We first had to copy the answers directly from the articles we read, and place them on a word document. We had to turn this copy in to Next, we had to go back and put the responses into our own words. Both documents were to be saved and turned in. The object of this assignment was to show us how this site worked and how easy it is to catch students who are plagiarizing.
In doing this assignment, I learned that it is easy for sites such as to catch students who may plagiarize and also that I can use them to make checking students paper easier. I think this site will be useful when I become a teacher because I can easily make sure that the information provided by the students is their own work and not something they have retrieved from a site or from another student. I think sites like these should be used throughout schools nationwide so that teacher can cut down on plagiarism at an early point in a student’s career.  NETS-T standard three and four were met. I believe they were met because I used digital age work to enhance learning. This also can be used to promote and model digital citizenship and responsibly by teaching student to respect other’s property.  

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