Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Google Groups


For the first assignment we completed we choose to do the first four chapters of the book. I did chapter three (3). Everyone choose their own chapters. This assignment asked us to look through each chapter and formulate a detailed question related to each. Each group had to answer the other member’s questions. Once we finished that each member was to create a presentation on their chapter. We had to create a PowerPoint that consisted of the main points of the chapter.  We had to be creative and work hard to ensure that we got all the important information across. Also, as a part of the assignment we had to create a story as a group. The group leader started off the story and then each member had to write the subsequent parts of the story. This part was interesting because we had to work together as a group. Each member had to keep the story going and interesting.
These assignments were very easy to me. The hardest part was working as a group because some of the work I had to do was depended on my members completing their parts first. Finding the answers to the questions were quite easy and the story was fun and exciting to write. I believe that I will use this in my future classroom. I can have student group up and create a PowerPoint presentation, write a story and present a chapter to the class. I can also have them create questions that supplement their lesson.

In doing this assignment, I really didn't have too many problems. My group members were great. The only problem was finding the answers to each other’s questions which was not too hard. The NETS-T standard that was covered was one because I think I used technology to be creative and design things.

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